The Measure of Success

Over Looking Princess
Over Looking Princess

The last week of June was a week of firsts for me.  I experienced my first field trip in the role as a teacher.  I experienced my first end-of-the-year last days of classes as a teacher.  My last week was a busy, busy few days.  I gave out my first grades, and all said and done, that was just plain weird.  I felt the ache of difference between my students who earned the highest grades, those who simply give up in the final hours of term and settled for mediocre grades, and those who are on Personal Program Plans and I do not give them a grade exactly but ah, I see their gifts and ah, if only there was more time!

I got to attend my first graduation of one of my students the last week in June.  I remember someone saying that in September they are names on paper and by the end of the year you feel like you’ve given birth to them, this is how I feel about many of my students, and certainly how I feel about Adriauna.  I met Adriauna in February, when she greeted me with “I love Ms. H and Mrs. P and I’ll love you too, until you piss me off.”  Today, I’m worrying about her adriauna smilingmoving away from her home school.  I’m thinking about her fall.  That last Monday, as I sifted through 351 pictures of Adriauna to put together a slide show for her graduation banquet on Wednesday evening, I kept thinking, wow, this kid sure has had some wonderful experiences.  I learned so much from her.  I’m proud to have been her teacher.  Her success is proof that schooling can be adjusted to fit the needs of its learners.

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