A Place for Resilience

I teach at the University. Perhaps because my work is with first year Education students, but every semester I find myself thinking deeply about my educational journey. A few years ago, I spent a great deal of time thinking about the children who I have lived alongside who have been affected by a suicide experience. Though I can recall every… (read more)

Making the Causes Visible

At the provincial grad symposium today, my Director of Education stated, what I believe, the most authentic bit he’s shared since taking the job. He reflected that perhaps (and I’m paraphrasing here) it isn’t graduation rates educators need to be focused on improving. He wondered if graduation rates were perhaps a symptom of a bigger problem. Perhaps our work as… (read more)

One Final Wind-Song

17 years ago this spring my daughter, Jessy Lee, and I moved into our home in the Avenues. Tomorrow she comes home from university for what may likely be her final summer at home. And, two weeks from now, my partner, Alan, and his dog Felix, move in. My home/world changing forever. I could not be more happy. Tonight though,… (read more)

Holding Tickets

About a month ago I posted on Facebook asking if anyone might be interested in splitting next year’s Football season’s tickets. I had a few responses, but soon interest waned. Then, I’d figured the season was still half new. There was time yet. And time is important. Last March Dad had had a stroke. The stroke left him paralysed and… (read more)

I’m Here

(Red Shoes Series) Saturday Afternoon at the Cabin Everyone snoozes. From the far room, Dad’s snore’s whistle. When I was young Dad’s snores rolled in swells through the house. Once, while camping with my cousins, Dad’s snores woke campers two sites over. Dad’s snores are the sounds of home, the home of the youth where I turned over at night… (read more)

Maybe The Trees

Since I started teaching throughout each term and at the end of the year I’ve been asking students to think about and to share their ‘take aways.’ A take away is a complex notion. It is more than the one thing a student has learned; it is more than the one thing that will resonate with a student tomorrow, in… (read more)

Dad: storying

I’ve been taking a photo a day for the past four years. For the past two years I have made these photos into a photo montage of my year, letting the adventures of the past 364 days swirl into a movie. I have even begun to add music. Sometimes I go about my day thinking about the photo I might… (read more)