The Harry Potter Party #6

Last Friday night, my sister, Christie, my daughter, Jessy Lee and I went to the movies.  The movie was fine, but the best part was seeing the new trailer for the sixth movie in the Harry Potter series, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince! 

The sixth book is Jessy Lee’s and my second favourite book in the Harry series, bestested only by Harry PSorting Hat Jaimeeotter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.  I can hardly wait for the movie!  Here’s why – With the release of a new Harry Potter movie, The Brown Eyed Girls host The Harry Potter Party.  You are welcome to join us – here are the rules:

 1) You must read the book before you can see the movie (and hang out with the cool people).  Oh, and yes, oh my, there is snogging this year! 

 2) You must come in costume.  Most attendees keep their costume choice secret.  Jessy Lee and I do not telBoys pointing wondsl each other what characters we are dressing up as, only our seamstress (my sister) is privy to that information.  Oh, there was an expectation one year when Jessy Lee and I dressed as the father and son duo, Lucius and Draco Melfoy

 3) You must stay in costume and join the group (about 20-30 of us) for supper/desert at a local restaurant following the movie.   At the restaurant we laugh, recap, compare notes and blend in 🙂Spooky Alison

 There is no age-limit; all are welcome.  But you may want to begin planning; costumes have been in production for months already.  This is a piggy-bank-breaking, sewing-machine-using, book-re-reading, big time magic-making event.  So grab a cloak, a tie, your wand and start practicing for your O.W.L.s.; July is fast approaching!

 p.s.  Bet you can’t guess my character…

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