The Experience – All Night Read

Last Thursday nine students and I read one of my favourite books. Our task: to read from start to finish, without stopping. I had learned of such an idea from Alan, who shared stories of his friend Gardner reading Paradise Lost in one sitting with his university class. Gardner writes that reading Milton’s work in such a way is to… (read more)

Showing Up

There are three Graduation Coaches in our division. We are fiercely deliberate about collaborating on our common course. We are heading into a unit on Resiliency. The concept is big. We are pulling in families, planning alongside parents, cousins, and grandparents. But first, we are having some needed conversations about Showing Up. Tonight we three Grad Coaches drafted three personal… (read more)

One Final Wind-Song

17 years ago this spring my daughter, Jessy Lee, and I moved into our home in the Avenues. Tomorrow she comes home from university for what may likely be her final summer at home. And, two weeks from now, my partner, Alan, and his dog Felix, move in. My home/world changing forever. I could not be more happy. Tonight though,… (read more)