Final Project, Sunday Morning


DSC00934Yesterday, I filmed, gathered audio, and took pictures from all over Moose Jaw.  My favourite location was the SBOIC, and my favourite guest was Saunder.  I am making this project, What is Habitat? Owls and Urbanization, as a teaching support for Bill Ferriter’s grade 6 science classes.  So when I awoke to rain yesterday, I had to make it work.  I frooze one digital camera, learned a plastic baggie trick for my new Flip camera, and backed up my audio every step of the way.  My sister came along, drank Tim’s, offered much needed advice, and once into production, these words of sister support, “You need to know your keyboard short cuts you freak!”

I took a lot of stills, a lot of video, because, apparently, “we are picture happy.”  Last night I successfully upgraded my VoiceThread account to an educator account, I tried out the tool JayCut, but when I realised that it took about 40 years to upload one image, I quit this tool and went back to Movie Maker

My audio was terrible, both on the mp3 and the video… then I booted up my daughter’s laptop and tried listening to my audio there… Cori‘s speakers are toast, fun at 11:00 p.m.

Then, I tried to upload my video from my Flip camera into Movie Maker.  I kept getting an error message.  I tried many different ways to make this work.  I emailed Dean, and he shot back a reply at midnight. 

So, this is where I am today.  41 items of video to upload into Movie Maker, cross your fingers (I was up all night figuring how to make this work without that footage). 

Oh, and I’m still chilled from the rain.. so if you’re in the Jaw today, stop by, French Vanilla, extra large, but I’m not complaining ’cause during the shooting, I got to hold a dead mouse!

4 thoughts on “Final Project, Sunday Morning

  1. Cori your final project sounds like it is coming along nicely! I think the kids will really enjoy everything that you are doing for them. Hope everything goes well with the uploading!

  2. Hello you! Well I am finally on your blog and thinking that you know way more than I do about technology. How are the clips coming together? I wanna see this video you are making. Perhaps I need to bring you some French Vanilla and get driving to MJ.

  3. I have decided to buy a Flip camera on Thursday (payday!) I might ask you how to do something! Haha..

    Also I am very excited to see your project Cori. Know why? I really love our hometown and I enjoy seeing pictures and clips of towns and cities in Saskatchewan. I just do! I am also excited for Cassie’s project for the same reason.

  4. Oh, Lynds. You are wonderful. I do love my little Flip. It does have some drawbacks. I’m working on two posts about my final project now. I’m as slow poster. But the Flip is a good buy! I loved using it on the weekend.

    I’m so excited to show everyone my project. I love our hometown too. Though, I don’t paint the City of Moose Jaw in a good light. The project is not polished like project that others in the class are making but I really learned a lot and my project is chalk full of content.

    I was about to email my mentor, Bill Ferriter and see if he got the VT yet. I’m excited to start chatting with the kids, and have you all start chatting with the kids 🙂

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