Among Snow Berry

When I was young I learned that snow berry are sacred plants. I learned that their berries hold the spirits of our ancestors. I learned that to sit among snow berry is to be home, among family. This teaching, given to me much from my dad and my sister, has always proved deeply comforting to me. ~ When I was… (read more)

i believe

believe in…. Trust and time. And listening. And relationships. And belonging. And sharing stories with students. Their stories. My stories. And listening to their stories no matter what. The cat stories, the lunch stories, the stories of suicide. Staying late. Arriving early. Showing up. Saying ‘I love you’ and ‘I am proud of you’ and meaning it. Reading aloud to… (read more)

Language of Hope

A few days ago while scrolling through a social media site, I noticed that a student I teach had posted a photo with, what I consider to be, an offensive word. It is not uncommon for me to connect with students on some social networking sites. I am as selective about who I connect with as I hope and try… (read more)

Nothing Left Unsaid

I have been thinking about trust and loyalty. I have been thinking about my Dad. I have been thinking about family spaces. Snuggled on the sofa last night with Jess, my daughter, we shared about my Dad, Albert, and about family spaces. This story is for you, for Jess, for me, for Alec & George, for my Dad, for the… (read more)