Among Snow Berry

When I was young I learned that snow berry are sacred plants. I learned that their berries hold the spirits of our ancestors. I learned that to sit among snow berry is to be home, among family. This teaching, given to me much from my dad and my sister, has always proved deeply comforting to me. ~ When I was… (read more)

A Student Support Teacher’s Pause

“Cori you teach my brother.” Zack sat back in the Adirondack chair, his feet swinging, too small to touch ground. I paused. I actually felt the pause of sifting through data to find the correct answer. Am I his brother’s “teacher?” Your brother is Josh. Josh is in grade ten. I work with Josh as his Student Support teacher (SST)….… (read more)

In Their Words

Today, following our school’s annual awards ceremony, I sat on the grass and watched students and teachers play soccer. I was too spent to move. I had kicked off my shoes, I had crossed my legs and was just soaking it all in. One student was playing soccer in flip-flops and a pink dress; some kids where eating tubes of… (read more)

Her Gifts

My mom says not to write about her. She says it’s not professional. But today, I can’t help it. See, Tuesday was my birthday. And if I’m going to celebrate anyone now, it’s going to be her. 39 years ago Tuesday, I came zooming into the world. Mom’s water broke at home. She finished weeding the garden, folded the laundry… (read more)