Main Idea

This past fall my division implemented class time for Professional Learning Teams, known as Learning Improvement Teams (LITs). I love my team. I love the structured time with my team and I love the process. The focus of our team is for all “teachers [to] work collaboratively, [so that] student learning improves as … specific needs of students at our… (read more)

And You Want to Teach What?

Yesterday while composing, editing and posting my previous blog post, I zipped off an email.  I was so excited about the idea of teaching an advanced English course, my head was spinning.  Today while post-conferencing, my wonderful administrator smiled sideways at me and asked if I had noticed the slip in my email.  No?  With a forged late slip in… (read more)

Best Prep Ever

“I’m so Tweeting this.” That was Andrew, one of my wonderful 11/12 students during a CW reading. I’d just freaked them out. We were writing farcical essays.  Monday, instead of actually working during my prep, I played. My kind of play. I sang, I drank coffee and then, with a wallop of delusional fur ball mouthing, I wrote.  It was… (read more)