Black-Eyed Girl

I adore an untrimmed tree. Bushes that are ragged and messy. Nature at play. Like we do every second Sunday, Labor Day Sunday Alan and I had brunch with my mom and dad. That weekend though, Alan, my parents, and I had several messy items to discuss. We met at mom’s condo before heading out to breakfast. The discussion, though… (read more)

Cinema Stories

It’s nearing close on winter break. I have been reading my twitter feed. Often, this time of year I have read about peoples’ tensions about businesses staying open. But it was open movie cinemas and late-night coffee shops that were family to my Dad while he was in his teens. It was these places that mattered during the long days… (read more)

Time To Listen

I am an educator. Though I am careful about the details of the stories I share, I share my truth. I share my story. Why? Because I ask the same of my kids. Because sometimes the kids in my world need me to share first. And sometimes, I need them to lead. Last week, one of my grade ten students… (read more)